Top 5 Sidekicks Any Infrared-Inspecting Superhero Should Never Be Without

By John Keane, Director - Infrared Training Center 

With all the incredible “superpowers” infrared technology offers, just like with any technology, it has its limitations and needs support. That’s why our friends over at the Infrared Training Center (ITC) created this short video, outlining every thermographer's top-five sidekicks in the field. Consider the below five items the Robin to your Batman, because every great superhero, even thermal, needs a sidekick and these are the five you should never conduct a thermal inspection without.

Check them out below and be sure to watch the video here: 

1. Electrical Tape

If you can safely touch the target, high-quality electric tape provides you with the most accurate temperature reading, as well as serves as a reference point to measure emissivity values of various materials. In other words, good old fashioned electrical tape is the number one accessory for thermographers to carry with them at all times. 

2. Meters (Clamps & Moisture)

Clamp meters provide important load information that should be part of any complete infrared report. In addition to clamp meters for the electrical side of things, moisture meters are essential for confirming the presence of water—something that infrared technology can’t do by itself, but will verify the presence of moisture with the thermal pattern you’re seeing. 

3. Extra Storage

Nothing worse than running out of power or memory when conducting an inspection. Losing either one will shut you down, making it impossible to complete your inspection and ultimately wasting your time! When in doubt, always bring extra batteries and memory cards with you as a back up.

4. Anemometer

These devices are crucial in that you are able to capture environmental data of any site you’re inspecting, which allows you to provide historical reference in your report. In addition, anemometers also capture wind speed, adding further context and/or supportive data for your report.

5. Laser Distance Meter

Understanding your distance of target is critical to ensure not only that you have enough resolution for detection, but also for accurately measuring temperatures. Assuming you know your spot size ratio, this device can estimate how large your spot measurement may be, at a given distance. Having a laser distance meter on hand is an easy way to at least get the distance value going into any inspection.

What are other things you don't leave home without? Let us know in the comments section below. Also, don't forget to register for Inframation 2018, Sept. 11-14, 2018 here